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Please find below some of our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). If your question isn't answered here, or if you would like to get in touch you can reach us via


Once I have placed my order, how long does it take for it to be shipped?

For in-stock items, please expect an additional 1~3 days in warehouse processing time for the total delivery estimates. 

Where is my package?

Once the order is shipped, an email with a tracking number will be sent to your order email address.

If you haven't got your dispatch email:

  • Please check if the email address is wrong.
  • Please check to see if the email ended up in your spam folder.
  • Please check the status of your order in your account to see if it has been shipped.

If you still can't find the email, feel free to send us an email at

Why is my order not updated?

Tracking updates can be delayed when the parcel is:

  • Held up by force majeure, such as extreme weather, shipping restrictions, strikes, etc.
  • Going through local customs clearance procedures.

Why is my order shown delivered before I receive it?

If you didn't receive your item(s):

  • Please check if the address information of your order is incorrect;
  • Please contact the courier company for more details;
  • Please check your mailbox or ask your neighbors if they have received the parcel on your behalf.
  • Please wait for another 48 hours. Packages may show delivered up to 48 hours before arrival in rare cases.

If you haven't received the item in 3 business days after your order is shown delivered, please feel free to send us an email at (with order# & reason).

Can I change my delivery address?

If your order has not yet shipped, then we should be able to update your address, as long as the delivery country/location remains the same.

We cannot change the delivery country/location.

Please contact us urgently by sending us an email at order# & reason) if you need to change your delivery address.

My package is not moving on the tracking link

Standard couriers can take up to 48 hours to generate information to their tracking website and updates are not continuous.

If there has been no update on the tracking information for more than 5 business days, please let us know so that we can open an investigation with the shipper.

If your order has not arrived by the expected date, we kindly request that you wait for another 10-14 business days, to allow for any customs inspections or possible postal delays in your area.

If the order still not arrive by this time, please contact us so that we can open an investigation with our shipping partner.

The investigation to locate an airmail package may take up to two weeks.

If for any reason it is determined the parcel is lost in transit you will be issued a full refund.

What can I do if the tracking service shows that the delivery of my parcel was unsuccessful?

If you find that the delivery of your parcel was unsuccessful, please verify your shipping address information, which is listed on the confirmation letter. If the address is correct, we suggest that you first contact the logistics company as this is the most effective way to locate your package and arrange for re-delivery.

Why is my order returned to sender or refused?

An order may be returned to the sender or refused for one of the following reasons:

  1. An address is invalid or there is missing information,
  2. The carrier is unable to deliver your package.
  3. The order is refused by the customer at the time of delivery.

Please note that we do not take responsibility for lost, misplaced, or incorrectly delivered shipments if the address information provided is incorrect at the time of purchase.


Can I return the item?

Please contact us directly at (with order# & reason) within 28 days from the date of receiving the item(s).

Please note that you, as the customer, will bear all return shipping costs unless the original products are defective.

  • Please do not return the item(s) to the sender's address .
  • Please note that we will not accept any returns without you contacting us first.

I made a return and have not been refunded

For returned items, it can take up to 21 business days for the funds to credit back to your original payment method as the below steps need to be followed:1- Shipping time to arrive back to our warehouse2- Processing and inspection for refund approval3- Authorization to finance department to issue refund4- It can take up to 7 business days for the funds to credit back to your payment method once our finance department process the refund.Should your refund not be processed within the 21 business days, please send us the tracking number for the returned package so that we can investigate further.


How can I pay?

We accept all major debit and credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and other payments methods such as PayPal.During the checkout process, the supported payment methods are displayed on screen.

How are customs and duty fees treated?

You are responsible for ensuring that any products you order comply with state and federal government import rules and regulations.You must pay for the Products (including all applicable delivery charges, applicable tariffs, taxes, and customs clearance fees).

Can I use more than one Promo Code on an order?

Only one promotional code can be applied to each order. If you have any coupons with a future expiration date, make sure to save them for the next time you order!